Selecting auspicious date for important life events will lead to better chance of success and things are likely to run smoother. References will be made to the Chinese Almanac and the Bazi of the persons involved.
- C-Section: We would help to pick a good Bazi for your child so that he/she can enjoy a smooth and successful life as much as possible.
- Wedding: Based on the Bazis of the couple, we would help to select a suitable date for the wedding ceremony.
- Moving/Business Opening: We would help to choose a good date for moving house, moving office or business opening.
每件事情都包含了天, 地, 人與時的元素. 擇日用以選擇最有利的時間, 去進行重要的事項, 冒求事事順利, 更容易獲得成功.
- 擇日開刀生BB: 人一出生,吸第一口氣,便決定了其一生的命運。雖然不信者誤以為迷信,但這八字正影響了bb的一生。不管是自然生或是剖腹生產,只要是小孩的出生時辰,所得八字就是嬰兒的真八字!一個好的命必然也會帶給小朋友正面的的影響,小朋友在天資勝人一籌,是否已經可以贏在起跑線上?
- 結婚: 除為準新人提供適合註冊/擺酒的日子, 我們還會另外建議過大禮, 安床, 上頭, 等吉日吉時.
- 搬遷/開張: 其他擇日事項包括搬遷, 公司/店鋪開張, 裝修翻新等 … 以便事情能順利進行, 達至安居樂業, 生意興隆等效果.
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